From crops to livestock and farm machinery, we have access to Australia’s largest regional and rural insurers.Our Farm Package lets you specifically tailor cover for your individual farm’s needs, from hobby farmers and graziers to small and large regional businesses.This customisable farm insurance provides a range of different insurance types all under one policy – making it easy to insure your farm operation with one policy.
Key Features
- Build your customised policy from 10 individual insurance covers
- Cover is available from hobby farms under 20 hectares up to the largest farming or grazing operation.
- Include your domestic homestead as well as your farm operations
- Wide-ranging insurance protection for your farm under one policy
- Tailor your insurance solution to meet your farm’s needs, regardless of size or type of farm
Domestic property
You can chose from two different cover levels for your domestic home and contents:
- Listed events – this is our low-cost option which protects against certain events like fire, storm, explosion, earthquake, malicious damage and burglary.
- Accidental damage – this protects you against all Listed Events as well as any other event not specifically excluded from the policy. You also have the benefit of new for old replacement cover for your farm dwellings.
Contents cover also provides new for old replacement cover, and automatically covers you and your family for up the $20 million Personal Liability if you are held responsible for an occurrence anywhere in Australia.The domestic Contents section also covers:
- Works of art
- Valuable items
- Credit card loss
- Theft of money
- Car and caravan accessories
- Lock replacement
- Visitors’ property
- Office equipment including mobile phones and laptops
- Modification of your home following an injury
Farm property
This covers farm buildings and contents, plus farm improvements like windmills and free-standing silos, for their currently value or replacement cost if you choose.Options include cover for Listed Events or Accidental Damage. Additional cover is available for specific items like radios, mobiles, computers etc anywhere in Australia.
Farm machinery and working dogs
Your machinery can be covered against fire, storm, impact, explosion and the malicious acts of other people. You can also cover your working dogs.
Will cover your contents and farm machinery (self propelled and towed implements) for Theft. You can also elect to insure specific items like CB radios, mobile phones, computers, etc Australia-wide.Theft also includes damage to farm buildings and employees’ property.
Hay, grain, livestock, fencing and trees
Disposal of dead livestock and removal of fencing debris are among the valuable extras in this section. Cover is also available for farm trees used for wind breaks, shade or erosion-prevention.
Business interruption
This covers you for extra costs to maintain your business following damage to business contents, farm property, machinery, hay, livestock or pastures.
Business liability
When you select this option, you are covered against injury to others or damage to their property. This may be caused by the use of unregistered vehicles and farm machinery, straying stock, the escape of fire or property in physical or legal control (limits apply).
Machinery breakdown
You can choose to insure all of your machinery or selected items of machinery against electrical, electronic and mechanical breakdown. Overtime repair costs are automatically included. This automatically covers contamination of milk, and you can select optional cover for refrigerated goods.
Personal income
This can provide an income should you have an accident or become ill and are unable to work. You can choose accident only cover, or accident and illness.
Road transit
This covers your livestock, produce, general farm goods and machinery against damage by fire, flood, or collision while travelling by road in your vehicle. It also covers road transit for your general farm goods, machinery, livestock and produce while on any vehicle.You are also protected against theft from a vehicle, if it is securely locked.
Sarina Insurance
Suite 3 “Arcade on Broad”
39 Broad Street,
Sarina QLD 4737
07 4956 2580
General Info
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